COVID Finances/Money Management/TFD At Home

16 TFD Readers On The COVID-Driven Changes They’re Keeping For Good

By | Wednesday, July 29, 2020

2020 has forced us to radically change our budgets for a number of different reasons, whether it’s an income loss, reduced social activity, or a big, unexpected move. And while some of those changes are hopefully temporary, others may be worth keeping. Some of our readers were kind enough to share some of the COVID-driven changes they want to keep forever.

1. “Supporting small and local more is the biggest COVID-driven change that I’ll be keeping for good. Faster to order items from Canada or to go out and support local stores since we’re staying close to home. Also, fewer patio drinks, which is a good thing for now and the future.” –Kaitlyn

2. “Moved from donating 5% of my spending to 10% of my spending. Feeling 0 regret about my 13 months cash cushion that others said was excessive.” — Lillian

3. “Not spending money on an office wardrobe, getting nails done every second week, saving money on petrol & not driving as much! If you’re not cashing in now, you never will!” –Michelle

I’m no longer shopping as a means of coping with stress. Going to stick with that change.

4. “- only going out to eat/getting takeout once a week instead of, uh, many times
– working from home at least 2-3 days a week (read: saving on gas)
– actually putting funds into travel savings account instead of draining it monthly
– giving myself a haircut/buzzcut.” –Trevor

5. “I used to bring in my meals so cooking is about the same. What has changed however is the entertainment spending. Going for a hike or doing a movie night in is just as fun as going into the city for some kind of entertainment. Investments have also gone up since I’m spending less.” –Barbara

6. “Money – I think we’ll keep supporting my mom and my husband’s grandmother (and our friends when they need it) and I’m glad about it. Not money – I really hope we all will pay attention to our friends and family members now more, than before this year screwed us all in every way.” –Maria

7. “I’m no longer shopping as a means of coping with stress. Going to stick with that change.” –Sean

8. “At-home workouts, unless the next gym I decide to attend just has absolutely everything. Amazing workouts on YouTube and the Nike Training Club app Thumbs up The pandemic has changed the way individuals see exercise; also more walking, running, and outdoor recreation w distancing.” –Amanda

9. “Will continue to eat in more, will likely keep transportation and coffee costs down as work may stay remote for a very long time, and will now pay more in rent to have a yard (worth every penny with our insanely active beagle).” –Sofie

10. “Working from home. Because of my vision, I wouldn’t be able to drive safely, and I hate depending on others for rides.” –Mercy

11. “Work clothes budget is not coming back.” –Adam

12. “The cash saved from not being forced into the office culture of eating off campus has been immense. I miss the socializing, but really like the number in the bank account.” –Jeremiah

13. “Keep saving while paying off debt and use what you have before buying more/buy to replace not add.” –Sade

14. “Now that I meet up with friends to drink grocery store beer in the park, i can’t go back to $13 cocktails in bars” –Julia

15. “Investing in hobbies (especially non-technology ones!)” –Corrine

16. “Diversifying my income, walking more instead of using public transport, thinking twice about buying stuff (especially household items), and getting more creative with repurposing things.” –Daniella

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