6 Awkward Money Questions With Anna Akana
Do you ever find yourself wondering, “Hmmm, what does Anna Akana think about money?” No? Well, even if you haven’t ever had that thought before, after you watch this week’s video, you will definitely find yourself wondering what she thinks about literally everything.
Talking about money doesn’t have to be difficult or awkward — and this week’s special YouTube guest truly proves that. In this week’s hilarious video over on the TFD YouTube channel, Chelsea sat down with super-successful YouTuber, filmmaker, actress, and author Anna Akana to ask her 6 awkward money questions — and you might be surprised by some of her answers! Anna has made a pretty damn impressive living doing what she loves (this girl has over 2 million subscribers on her YouTube channel!), and definitely views money in her own unique way. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and, perhaps most importantly, you’ll learn a ton about money.
You probably never knew that you needed a TFD video that talks about income, Princess Leia, taxes, sex, self-improvement, and actual hard numbers all within 10 minutes. But, trust us — you totally do. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in (or if you just generally like watching people answer slightly-awkward money questions, which we know you do), head over to the channel and check out this honest, transparent-as-hell interview.
Image via YouTube