
How To Build The Ultimate Financial Folder

By | Monday, August 20, 2018

Think back to when you first started thinking seriously about your money. Was it five years ago? One year ago? Last week? Now, think about what your biggest hurdle was. Maybe, even if you had a decent income, you simply didn’t know where you stood with your money. Perhaps even if you knew what was coming in, you had no idea where all of it was going.

Trust us — we’ve been there. And we know that, if you want to start getting better with money, there’s one thing that needs to come before anything else: getting organized. The simplest way to keep track of your finances is to start keeping everything you need in one place. That includes everything from the amount you owe in debt to your login information for your various accounts to even your will and estate paperwork should anything happen to you. You may think that doing things like tracking your net worth and setting up a will sound like silly things to do for someone like you (maybe you know you’re in the negative from student debt, or you simply don’t have much in terms of assets), but it’s 100% worth it. In fact, we’d argue that these things are crucial for becoming a financially healthy individual — and there’s no feeling quite like seeing that net worth number hit the positives after years of making progress towards your debt.

To find out everything you need to include in your own financial folder, head over to the TFD YouTube channel to check out Erin’s latest installment of the 3-Minute Guide, brought to you by Skillshare.

Image via Unsplash

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