
Why I Don’t Have A Debit Card (& Don’t Plan On Getting One)

By | Monday, September 10, 2018

When I tell people I don’t use a debit card, they give me this look like I’m utterly crazy. “You don’t have a debit card?” they ask me incredulously. “How do you get by?” I literally do not have a debit card. I never have. There are many debit card risks people fail to think about, and it may not be the best choice for you financially. So in response to the dozens of people who have asked me, “why?!”, this post is for you.

1. Security

What happens if you lose your debit card and don’t figure it out for a while? What if someone figures out your pin? If theft were to occur, someone has direct access to your bank account (and everything in it). It’s much harder to prove fraud with a debit card, and much more debilitating should something terrible happen. If fraud occurs on a credit card, I simply dispute it. If I see any suspicious activity (I’ve had multiple double charges this year), I simply flag it and let the credit card company handle it.

2. ATM fees

Ever been in a pinch and needed to use a non-bank sponsored ATM? If you’re not careful, ATMs can charge you a lovely fee for getting your own money out (which has always seemed crazy to me — I have to pay YOU to get MY money?!). By not using a debit card, I don’t have to worry about ATM charges at all.

3. Rewards

When I put everything I buy on my credit cards, I can rack up huge cashback and travel rewards. Through both travel and my Alaska Airlines credit card (it’s my favorite!), I’ve managed to build up almost 100k miles. And with my cash back cards, I get hundreds of dollars a year in cash (on stuff I’m already buying).

4. Building credit

A great credit score is your window to every financial opportunity. By using a credit card responsibly (AKA paying your bills in full, on time, and utilizing 30% or less of your credit limit), you can begin to increase your credit score and set yourself up for better financial opportunities. I got my first credit card when I was a teenager, and now have a great score that provided a lower interest rate on a car loan and more.

5. Tracking purchases

I find it so much easier to track and understand my spending when I see it all broken down for me on my credit card statements every month. There is little to no cash in the equation, so I can see exactly where and when my money went. I can analyze where I should cut back, and any spending “wins” I had for the month.

6. I’ve never really needed one

My parents have never had a debit card (I know, right?!) and instilled this in me. If I need cash — usually for a trip — I go to the bank and withdraw the money from my account. 95% of businesses take credit cards anyway (racking up those rewards!), though I always keep about $20-50 of cash on me, just in case of emergencies. When I travel, I usually carry more for security (which I withdraw from my bank before I leave).

The One Downside

Sometimes, you just need cash.  And when a bank is closed (or you only online bank), have fun getting it.


A debit-card-free lifestyle may not be for everyone, but it’s worked wonders for me. It makes me more secure, better with money, and I get cash back or miles for every single purchase I make — and that’s a serious win in my book.

Have you ever thought about ditching your debit card? Let’s chat in the comments!

Tori Dunlap is an award-winning social media marketer and entrepreneur. Founder of victori media, helping 20-somethings live life victoriously. Obsessed with finding cheap flights, reading a good book in the bathtub, and you. Follow her on Instagram here.

Image via Unsplash

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