Living With Debt

How To Get A Student Loan Guru To Overhaul Your Financial Life

By | Tuesday, August 30, 2016



One of the most defining financial features of the oft-mocked-and-misunderstood millennial is our collective student loan debt. Between the TFD team and our spouses alone, there are hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt to go around, all being paid in significantly different ways with different goals and lifestyles in mind.

We at TFD believe that there is no one perfect approach to paying off debt, because so much of it will obviously depend on your situation, and everyone’s idea of what life should look like while paying that debt is different. There are plenty of people who are open to going hyper-minimalist and radically downsizing in order to pay everything super-quickly, and there are others who couldn’t do that in a million years. And they shouldn’t have to.

But we also believe that, even though there isn’t one catch-all solution, there are always ways to be making more of what you have. Whether that means increasing your side hustles, refinancing your loans, restructuring your payments, or adjusting your lifestyle, chances are you can probably start tomorrow on a better financial foot than you did today. You just have to be honest with yourself.

To that end, we have partnered with Student Loan Hero to choose two TFD readers with student loan debt to give a serious financial makeover. The CEO of Student Loan Hero, Andy, will be personally looking at a breakdown of their budgets, debts, loan types, goals, and lifestyles to figure out exactly what they can be doing better, how they can be saving money, and how they can reach their goals in a smarter way. Andy is a friend of TFD’s and his perspective — that no one’s life should be defined by their debt — is one we can get behind, no matter what your individual situation is.

So if you are someone who is carrying debt and has a sneaking suspicion that you could be handling it (and the rest of your financial life) more wisely, send an email to and say a little bit about your situation, and why you want the financial makeover. The two readers we pick will be given free custom consultations and advice from Andy, shared here on TFD so we can all benefit. (And yes, anonymity is more than fine if you’d like to not put all of your financial business out there. We totally understand.)

The deadline to send your email is Tuesday, September 6th, after which we’ll be picking our two TFD readers for a financial overhaul from a serious student loan guru. Don’t miss this opportunity to get a handle on how you do money!

Image via Pexels

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