The 7 Personal Finance Articles We Loved This Week
I want to start this post by giving a little shout out to everyone who reads TFD. I’m not sure what brought you here, but I know why I started reading — it was nice to see a site talk about money in a way that made it not scary. And also, it was nice to see a site that wasn’t necessarily all pink, but was decidedly feminine, while still taking on serious money topics.
I love the TFD community so much, and it’s sometimes easy to forget that personal finance is still such a male-dominated space. That’s not to say that men shouldn’t have voices or resources, too. But it was really refreshing to see this post from She Picks Up Pennies among ESI’s picks this week, all about how men in the personal finance community can do better when it comes to talking to and about women:
I know what you’re thinking. Whoa. Where’s Penny going? Is the ultimate conclusion that no man should ever dare to broach the subject of females and finances again?
Of course not.
But what I am asking you to do if you’re a male is to talk with women, to learn from women, to use your platform to amplify our voices, not just hold us up as loveable whatnotodos. If you are running a story that contains quotes from bloggers, how many of them are coming from women? If you’re sitting around a table at work or at a family gathering listening to voices, how many of them are coming from women? If women don’t speak up, invite us in. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.
Be sure to check out the full post below, as well as the rest of this week’s great articles!
1. Here’s to Strong Women: The End of the Damsel in Financial Distress – She Picks Up Pennies
“If you ever find yourself in financial distress, damsels, remember the only person who is really strong enough to save you is yourself.”
2. If You Want What I Have You Have to Do What I’ve Done – ESI Money
“It doesn’t matter one bit to me what you want to do or don’t want to do. That is your business and your life choices. But quit complaining that you don’t get the results without putting in the work.”
3. My Failure Resume – Wallet Hacks
“I haven’t updated my resume in over a decade. Today, that’s going to change. But it’s not going to change in the way you think – I’m going to create a failure resume. A failure resume is exactly what it says — it’s when you list your career and personal failures.”
4. Learnings from a Low Wage Job – Ms. Ziyou
“Who knew I could have learned so much, and be so shaped by one poorly paid job? Hindsight is a marvelous concept; I struggle to appreciate things and be grateful at the time, however, the passage of time always brings me insight after periods of self-reflection.”
5. How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) – Wait But Why
“This post isn’t me giving you career advice really — it’s a framework that I think can help you make career decisions that actually reflect who you are, what you want, and what our rapidly changing career landscape looks like today.”
6. How The Pursuit of FIRE Got Me a Girlfriend – Budgets Are Sexy
“This story is about opportunity, risk, the pursuit of financial independence, and why I went on a second date in Vegas.”
7. What It’s Like to Have a Seven-Figure Income – White Coat Investor
“There aren’t very many Americans with a seven-figure income, even as the number of millionaires increases each year. In fact, the 1% starts at something around $350-400,000/year. As a relatively new seven-figure-earner, I’d like to give those who have not yet had a seven-figure income a look behind the scenes at what it is really like.”