The Ultimate Checklist For Leaving Your Job
One part of the professional world that is hardly ever talked about (even though it is an extremely important part of the whole deal) is leaving your job. In almost everyone’s life, our job situations are everchanging. Maybe you hate your job and are capital-q Quitting. Maybe you’ve gotten a better job opportunity, and have realized it’s time to move on. Maybe you’re making a dramatic career change, or leaving the workforce for good. In any case, we’re so often changing roles. Yet, strangely, given all the training we have throughout our lives in acquiring jobs, we’re given almost no guidance on what to do when it’s time to say goodbye.
Until now!
This week over on our YouTube channel, Erin provides us with the ultimate checklist for leaving your job. She’s answering the hard questions, going past “How do I deliver the news to my boss?” and straight through to “How do I understand what might be hiding in my contract that prevents me from finding new/better employment if I quit?” and “How should I know what salary I should be earning as I embark upon my new job search?” and “What do I need to understand about what will happen to my current insurance/benefits before I quit?”
If you’re ready to leave your job and not sure what steps to take, this video will definitely help. Head over to the channel to check out this week’s installment of the 3-Minute Guide, brought to you by Skillshare.
Image via Pexels