1. A must-read for anyone wondering how the Republican Health Plan could affect them.
2. I love those silly “what your sign says about you” articles, and this foodie one caught my eye — The Food You Relate To Most, According To Your Birthday. (The illustrations are also awesome!)
3. If you’re concerned about your phone security, the key could lie in making sure it’s updated regularly.
4. Last night, Joe and I made our way through roughly four hours of Netflix while we cleaned the apartment, ate dinner, and relaxed on the couch — the perfect way to spend the latter half of a v lazy Saturday. Here’s everything that’s on Netflix for the duration of this month.
5. I loved this roundup of financial advice, and thoughts on what defines success, from interesting people from all walks of life.
6. I’m actively trying to reduce my meat consumption for the next couple of weeks to save a little $$$ on groceries and to force myself to cook more interesting vegetarian dishes. Here’s a fantastic gallery of spring recipes.
7. Though I’ve read articles and essays written by Zadie Smith, I’m plowing through my first-ever novel of hers. Swing Time is a delight, and I can hardly put it down — I can’t recommend it enough!
8. Never not catching up on email etiquette, tips, and tricks to make myself more email confident.
9. There’s a major blizzard headed to the NYC area tomorrow night (!!!), and I plan on using that extra time to catch up on my hand lettering skills. Here’s a useful guide for beginners if you, too, are stuck inside for long periods of time.
10. ICYMI — a wonderful article we ran on the site last week called How To Become An Adult.