
15 Tasks To Make Your Weekend Feel Extremely Accomplished In 15 Minutes Or Less

By | Thursday, July 01, 2021

Recently, it feels like each day of the workweek is that much more unbearable. Maybe it’s a desire to enjoy summer now that “outside” is open again or maybe it’s just me. But with the Fourth of July being this Sunday (and most U.S. employers honoring Monday as a work-holiday) many people have plans for a three-day weekend ahead. So it’s fun to plan how to make the best of the upcoming free time.

And with the current heatwave most of us around the country are experiencing, staying indoors seems like a better idea with each climbing degree. That being said, while we all enjoy- —and deserve! —a restful long weekend, it feels so good to accomplish a set of quick tasks to set yourself up for the rest of the week, month, or even season ahead. So here’s a roundup of 15 tasks to make your long weekend feel extremely accomplished and that much more easygoing in minimal time. Keep in mind that the goal is to pick a few or more of these to do!

    1. Do a quick audit of your apps. Take inventory of your phone apps and get rid of the ones you don’t use. Many phones (such as the Samsung Galaxy) have a section on App Manager that allows you to view your apps in order usage. Delete the ones you rarely open.
    2. Similarly, think of some apps you could use and consider downloading two to three that can bring some added functionality or order to your life. This may include an app to store or sort your receipts, a positive affirmation app, a period and ovulation tracker, a mood tracker, etc.
    3. Take inventory of household essentials you have and make a list of the upcoming items you need to get in bulk from Amazon, Walmart, or Costco. 
    4. Go through your most recent credit card statement and take a few minutes to highlight your expenses and whether or not you are receiving value from those purchases.
    5. Get rid of expired items in your fridge or pantry.  What’s there to debate except the possibility of food poisoning? Just dump it.
    6. Quickly spray and wipe down the surfaces in your kitchen and take a few minutes to scrub your stove and the inside of your microwave. 
    7. While you’re in your kitchen, make a quick list of grocery items you need to pick up and condiments you might need to restock on.
    8. Give your coffee machine or another major appliance you often use a much-needed soak and rinse in your sink.
    9. Replace the lining in your pantry cupboards–I usually use newspapers and like to replace the newspaper lining every few months since it gets easily littered with spices and other dust particles.
    10. Similarly, clean down the surfaces in your bathroom and take a few minutes to scrub your toilet or rinse your shower.
    11. Take 15 minutes to do a quick meditation or stretch–something to move your body if you’re staying indoors in this heatwave.
    12.  Sort and section your laundry. While laundry is clearly more than a 15-minute chore, half the battle is getting the enthusiasm to sort and bag it. While this normally takes ~15 minutes, it may be what you need to encourage you to do your laundry either now or in the very near future.
    13. Update your calendar. I have a personal calendar and a work calendar and I like to combine these on yet another calendar. For me, the weekends are the perfect time to quickly update and check on my meetings and other tasks so I can be prepared for the week or month ahead.
    14. Update your medicine cabinet. Either throw out expired ointments and vitamins and add them to your next shopping haul or simply clean the cabinet and reorganize it so that you can see your medicines easily and will be reminded to take your vitamins every day. 
    15. Finally, tackle a task you’ve been meaning to do for a while. This might be starting a new book and reading just 10-15 pages, or catching up on a show or podcast you love, or even taking the first steps on a home improvement project. 

If you decide you don’t want to do any of these over your long weekend, don’t! This is just a quick list to get you started on eliminating tasks that you’ll likely need to get to eventually but also, I completely respect pure relaxation over an extended weekend, too. You do you and prioritize what your mind and body need. But in the event that you’re slightly in the mood to be even the slightest productive — we’ve got you covered!

Keertana Anandraj is a recent college grad living in San Francisco. When she isn’t conducting international macroeconomic research at her day job, you can find her in the spin room or planning her next adventure.

Image via Unsplash

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