The 7 Personal Finance Articles We Loved This Week
Something I’ve heard a lot of people say (or write) about personal finance is that there is only so much to talk about. Once you figure out the finite rules of managing your money, you’re set. The same basics apply to everyone, right?
Oh, if only that were true. I think if it were, there wouldn’t be more and more Americans opting out of the traditional banking system (can you tell how much I recommend this book?). There would be a heck of a lot fewer personal finance bloggers lurking around the internet, too. And every time I feel like I’ve heard all I possibly could have about money-saving tips or investing suggestions, something new comes along. It keeps making new content possible, yes, but it also means I stay excited about and invested in my own finances. Win-win!
I found one such new tip in J. Money‘s own post this week. When rounding up money ideas to “steal,” he quoted blogger ZJ Thorne: “I’m a big fan of asking myself if I’d like to clean/maintain the item before purchasing it. So much is not bought this way.” As a recovering Lazy Girl, this speaks to me so much. I hate having things around that seem to take up an excess amount of attention. I can put up with the fact that I simply have to clean the various rooms in my apartment in order for them to be livable, but there are other things I just hate dealing with. For instance: craft supplies. I used to collage everything from my dorm room trash can to an entire bulletin board. But do you know what is super hard to clean out of jeans or a microsuede couch? Mod Podge. (Not that I’ve had to do either of those things…) This idea is also why I’ve so far stuck with a pour over coffee maker
instead of a fancier machine — I’m not annoyed by the idea of cleaning it out right away, and it was way cheaper in the first place.
Be sure to check out the rest of this week’s great picks!
1. Quit Saving Your Money – Chris Reining
“The difference between 1% and 7% can change your life, and that’s why investing is so important.”
2. 6 Great Money Ideas to Steal – Budgets Are Sexy
“One of the best things about blogging is starting conversations, and then watching all your smarty pants friends chime in with clever ideas of their own.”
3. What We Gain When We’re Broke – The Billfold
“The sun shines even when you’re broke, you still notice funny things that make you snort-laugh, and you even start rejoicing in subtle, everyday wins you never noticed before. Those little wins are what keep you going.”
4. The Best ROI – Montana Money Adventures
“Looking back at myself at 19 years old and $50k in debt, the only difference between me and the average is I read about 500 books. 500 books created a $272,649 difference. Or about $545 per book read.”
5. Advice to My 23-Year-Old Self – The Resume Gap
“People start getting boring when they turn 30! Relationships, careers, and kids start taking precedence. Say yes to every opportunity to build relationships now, and they’ll stay with you for life.”
6. My 18 Financial Tenets – Money Boss
“When you learn something new, write it down. Explain why you believe what you believe. And as you gain more experience, don’t be afraid to alter your list of rules. In time, you’ll have developed your own personal financial philosophy.”
7. How I Got Completely Debt-Free by 30 – Life and My Finances
“Get angry at your debt. Is it killing your freedom? Your relationship? Is it keeping you from living the carefree life that you’ve always dreamed of? Get mad, pay it off, and get it over with.”
Image via Unsplash