7 Things I Wish I Did Differently At 22
Anyone who has lived past 22 (or currently is 22… or has ever met a 22-year-old) can attest to the fact that it is a trying time in nearly everyone’s life. Those few, dense years between 18 and 22 seem to be exclusively reserved for making ill-advised decisions, attempting to follow through with half-baked plans for the ~elusive~ future, and trying to craft a comfortable, satisfying adult-life for oneself in spite of very likely still feeling like a lost puppy on the inside.
We get it. We’ve all been there. The entire TFD team was 22 once (Mary was literally 22 this time last year, so it is still all too fresh for her), so it is easy for us all to look back and reflect on all of those little mistakes we made during those delicate, early-20-something post-grad years. During that reflection, more often than not, comes a little bit of regret. If you made it through your early 20s with nO rEgReTs, good for you! For most, that is not the case. For most, the regrets are plentiful. Last year, Chelsea even made a video about hers over on the TFD YouTube channel, where she detailed the 13 things she wished she had done differently at 22.
So, in order to help you guys get a little better acquainted with our friend Erin Lowry (of Broke Millennial, and host of the 3-Minute Guide on our YouTube channel), we decided to put her in the hot seat during the most recent installment of the series to admit the 7 things she wishes she had done differently at 22. If you want to find out a few of Erin’s post-grad regrets (either to compare them with your own, or to prevent yourself from making the same mistake), head over to the channel to find out in this week’s 3-Minute Guide, brought to you by Skillshare.