1. A fantastic article that helps you understand the way in which you can approach your student debt as that first payment lands on your doorstep.
2. Weeee oooo weeeee, everybody listen up — it’s getting cheaper to buy a house. It’s time to educate yourself, and double down on savings.
3. A fantastic recipe for pineapple teriyaki meatballs. They’re perfect for cold-weather cooking and can be enjoyed on a chilly night in this winter.
4. A very interesting short video about the reward in just being.
5. A great follow-up article from the one I posted a few weeks back — how Levi’s is fighting the rise of athleisure wear (which is currently on track to replace traditional blue jeans, yikes)
6. This is such a helpful article that everyone should read — 10 lessons I learned about money management in my twenties. My favorite? What worked for your parents won’t necessarily work for you.
7. Love this infographic that shows the morning rituals of some of the world’s most inspirational entrepreneurs.
8. A great resource for understanding maternity leave and the options available to you through the company for which you work.
9. While it’s not a strictly personal finance-related topic, I think it’s so important that our generation has a grasp and understanding of the horrors involved in the refugee crisis.
10. Be sure to read this if you too are into avoiding the nasty cold going around your office.