
10 Things You Need To Read This Sunday

By | Sunday, January 20, 2019


1. I love this defense of “bad winter” and wholeheartedly agree that Winter Is Good (especially now that NYC is actually getting snow!!!).

2. This was a lovely, moving letter about moving to a smaller city and finding a new, bigger life — something I often think about as a non-rich person living in New York.

3. If you haven’t heard about Instagram Influencer/scammer Caroline Calloway, read this absolute bananas story.

4. This was a super interesting dive into how saying “We just don’t build houses like we used to” is a cop-out — and a myth.

5. “There is a particular awfulness to McDonald’s or Burger King once it’s gone cold. By the time America’s greatest collegiate football players arrived, in their navy blazers and Sunday shoes, to pick up porcelain plates and work their way through this cardboard buffet, the French fries would have grown cold and mealy, the burger buns soggy, the precise half slice of American cheese on each Filet-o-Fish sandwich hardened to a tough, flavorless rectangle of yellow.” A must read on you-know-who’s particularly awful White House dinner this week.

6. This was a very well-written, intriguing essay on one person coming into his sexuality and finding recognition in both Natalie Portman’s characters and her public persona.

7. This is a video, so not technically something to read, but you MUST check out gymnast Katelyn Ohashi’s absolutely incredible floor routine.

8. I very much enjoyed taking this new (to me) personality type quiz.

9. Please read about how indigenous anarchists are responding to the government shutdown.

10. ICYMI: Be sure to read about why knowing your “net worth” is so important, and how to calculate it!

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