10 Productivity Apps That Will Help You Live Your Best Life
Awhile back, I covered a couple of fantastic budgeting apps to help you reach your personal finance goals. Money management is a key component to making me feel productive and in charge, and I like seeing my information laid out in a well-designed and organized way.
After writing that article, I noticed how much I use apps on a day-to-day basis and the extent to which they help me with tasks across different facets of life. From finding the proper tip amount for a restaurant bill, to scanning important documents to colleagues, and tracking how far and how fast I run, apps help me manage my time better and provide me with helpful data. There are a few really great apps on the market that help make each day more efficient and productive, and help streamline my work process, so I can live my best self.
I’ve rounded up 10 of the most helpful apps that I believe can be useful for anyone trying to make day-to-day life easier. This is in no way a definitive list, as there are hundreds of helpful apps out there to try. Leave suggestions in the comment section down below if you have more great apps to recommend!
Dropbox makes sharing files quick and data storage easy. The app is fairly straightforward to figure out, and I’ve cut out so much unnecessary back and forth with people by having this app to share files through. I also like that it functions as a backup for the files on my computer, which helps me breathe easier.
I recently started using Pocket in an attempt to follow through with all the articles I want to read. Pocket creates a space where you can tag articles you stumble across online but might not have the time to read at that moment. The app organizes documents in a clean and efficient way, so you can come back to them later. Pocket is a good alternative to using bookmarks, because it won’t clog up your bookmarks list — it creates a separate space for everything which you can clean out whenever you choose.
Evernote is a neat little app that allows you to create, share, and sync notes. You can create text notes, photos notes, lists, chats, reminders, etc. It’s a nice way to have everything in one place, and connect and share with people you choose. The platform itself is well-organized and nicely designed, and it’s easy to learn how to use.
Cal is a fantastic calendar/notification app. First off, the design is incredible and the photos in the background add a beautiful vibe to the data displayed. It makes it feel personal and individualized. I use it to streamline all my events, and set it to remind myself of tasks I have to complete.
This is one of my all-time favorite apps. It makes it easy to track my runs and progress as I train for events, or work to meet my fitness goals. The interface it really beautiful, and I love the map feature that let’s you map out the route you completed. You build your profile with your height, weight, and age, and it tracks how many calories each workout burns.
6. All The Cooks (Android, iOS)
This app combines food with a social network, and displays recipes that users have submitted and photographed themselves. You can follow different cooks, “favorite” recipes, and build your own community of at-home cooks. The recipes display very cleanly, and the whole app is intuitive to navigate. It’s almost like a Pinterest but for recipes only.
This app is a godsend (Chelsea turned me on to this one!). As a designer on-the-go, I’m not always near a scanner, so when I need to send documents or sketches through to co-workers or clients, this app makes it easy to do so. The app also allows you to edit the document you scan, so you can lighten, darken, crop, rotate, or color correct. Very helpful.
8. Gratuity (iOS) (Similar Android app here)
A simple yet powerful app that allows you to calculate the appropriate tip on your restaurant bill. The interface is colorful and simple, and it makes the whole end-of-the-meal-check-splitting easier on all parties involved.
9. Humin (iOS)
As someone who is terrible with names, numbers, and remembering where I met someone, this app is incredibly useful. It makes your contact list more social, and you can add locations, calendars, and social networks into it to make it feel more personalized.
10. Sleep As Android (Android) (Similar for iOS here)
I don’t use sleep apps on a daily basis, but when I do, I love that it provides really neat information about my sleep patterns, and visualizes the cycle my body follows. This app tracks your sleeping behavior, and you can use it as an alarm so that it gently wakes you (rather than blaring in your ear) when it senses it’s the best time to do so. Being your most productive self means getting a good night’s sleep, and this app can help you optimize your sleeping schedule.
Check some of these out today! I promise that once you start using them, life will be a little bit easier, and you’ll wonder how you ever got along without them in the first place.