Welcome To TFD’s New (& Improved!) Weekly Newsletter
Announcement time, y’all!
As many of you may have noticed, TFD has been undergoing some (extremely exciting!) growth in the last several months. The TFD YouTube channel now has a new second weekly show featuring Erin Lowry, AKA Broke Millennial. Chelsea recently began what is now one of my favorite series called “What 30 Really Looks Like.” We’ve also been hard at work (Lauren especially!) expanding the TFD Instagram page to be a beautiful, thoughtful, cathartic little internet-based respite. And, of course, Chelsea and Lauren still have a few stops to make on the TFD book tour 🙂
But with any amount of growth, there’s going to be some change. If you’ve been following TFD for any amount of time, you may or may not know that Lauren sends out a beautifully curated weekly newsletter. The newsletter has always featured the week’s top articles, as well as the latest YouTube videos, recommended reading from around the web, and the TFD team on Instagram. It has always been (in my opinion as a dedicated reader, even before I joined the team) a super-welcome little bright spot in my inbox, which is why I’m thrilled to be taking it over!
Like Lauren has been doing for over two years (!!!), I will be sending out a curated newsletter to all of our subscribers each week. While the newsletter will continue to feature our favorite articles from the week on TFD and posts on Instagram, we’ll also be implementing a couple of significant updates. First off, each week’s edition will have a central theme falling somewhere under the umbrella of a greater theme: upgrading your life. I’ve found that, to some extent, that’s the underlying message of every article I write or edit here at TFD. Whether it’s about meal-prepping, adopting an exercise routine, negotiating a raise, figuring out a savings plan, or counting up the money a writer spent on her exes, we publish everything under one basic idea — that it’s okay that we’ve made mistakes, and that it’s also okay to want to make ourselves a little better (and better off) tomorrow. That’s what I want this new and improved weekly newsletter to feel like: a cheerful little corner of your inbox that you can turn to for tidbits of inspiration to make your life just a little bit better.
Secondly, and still applying to the central theme of upgrading your life, the newsletter will also include recommendations from each of the TFD team members. We’ll let you in on what we’ve each been loving, including anything that we’ve learned from that week or something that’s made our lives better — or even just a little bit easier. These recommendations will include everything from books and music that have been inspiring us to products that are making life better in our own homes. I’m so excited to make the newsletter not only a simple way to keep up with what we’ve produced and published lately, but also a means for each of us on the TFD team to connect with our greater community a little bit more.
I’m thrilled to be spending a little more time connecting with our amazing reader base each week, and I hope you all join me in this next phase of the TFD newsletter. If you have yet to sign up, definitely do so here. And if you have a comment on the newsletter or a something you’d like to see from it, do please leave a (nice!) comment below!