
10 Things You Need To Read This Sunday

By | Sunday, November 08, 2015


1. Financial advice for women, from women. Great things are happening with WorthFM as it prepares to launch later on this year, and will work to keep women smart and savvy about their finances.

2. ICYMI — a really interesting read about how one individual is planning to make it through one month of zero spending this #NoSpendNovember.

3. If there’s one simple mantra for success I want to follow it’s for sure this one by the most successful investor of the 20th century — Warren Buffett.

4. I’m fascinated by REI’s decision to close all of its stores on Black Friday, and it makes sense to view this as an anti-consumerist stance (which I hope will catch on).

5. This title alone was enough to hook me “12 Uses For Leftover Halloween Candy & The Resulting Tax Consequences.”

6. The holidays are going to approach quickly which means spending $$$. Here are seven uncommon ways to save for all the expenses the holidays bring.

7. Bringing your own lunch to work is the easiest way to cut out unnecessary spending. Here are 14 delicious lunch ideas to help you save money by brown bagging it to work.

8. These are all really insightful life hacks straight from the mouth of a millennial millionaire. While some sound overly simple, you realize that those hacks can sometimes be the best kind.

9. wonderful article that illuminates the difference between affordable housing and housing that is affordable, and how we can take steps to make the latter a reality for a sustainable future.

10. How do you split expenses with your partner? As someone who recently moved in with their SO, I’ve found myself wondering how others handle choices that can lead to potentially awkward interactions.

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