24 Ways To Savor The Last Weekends Of Summer
While the summer doesn’t technically end until the 22nd of September, the arrival of September 1st always feels like a defining moment on the yearly calendar. I can’t help but be reminded of how it felt as a kid to see that date looming and know it meant the long days of summer were slipping away — it was time to get back to work. While I’ve been out of school and in the working world for over three years now, the summers still provide a mental shift which has everything to do with the changeover to warm sunny weather.
This summer, I took time to enjoy myself, and spent as much time as I could outside working and catching up with friends. I did a bit of traveling, rekindled some old hobbies, read, and even managed to swim in the ocean. While it was everything I needed, I now feel eager to jump into the fall with rejuvenated gusto, and tackle the projects headed my way. If you’re looking to savor the last sweetness that summer has to offer, check out these 24 ways to do so cheaply and easily!
1. Go outside and stargaze. If you live in a big city, do some research online to see if you can join a group that heads out closer to the city limits where it’s darker
2. Head to the nearest beach, even if it means just going to stick your toes in the sand one last time this season
3. Plan a picnic, head to a park, and sit on a blanket as you enjoy it in the fresh air
4. Go for a hike or a bike ride
5. Reorganize your closet to make room for a fall wardrobe switchover
6. Head to a carnival or an amusement park (but always use a coupon!), and go on a few rides to bring out your inner kid
7. Throw a dessert + cocktail-only soirée with your girlfriends
8. Volunteer your time to a good cause whether it be at a local animal shelter, food bank, social activism event, etc.
9. Rearrange a room in your apartment or house to offer up a different perspective
10. Make a paper chain as long as you possibly can (preferably over a bottle of wine and music with friends)
11. Create a game plan for how you can strengthen your side hustle, or make a step-by-step outline of how you can lay groundwork to achieve a career-oriented dream
12. Make some sun tea!
13. Believe it or not, holiday spending/shopping will be upon us faster than you think. Create a budget now to make sure you have enough money set aside for the inevitable uptick in seasonal shopping
14. Dedicate a day to doing laundry, and let’s all start off September with the #freshest smelling closet ever
15. Rewatch a favorite movie from your childhood
16. Prepare a tray of snacks and goodies, and enjoy a long aperitif with the ones you love
17. Carve out a few hours to finish that summer reading novel you have 30 pages left of
18. Check in with your financial advisor to track your progress and financial goals
19. Attend a free outdoor music performance
20. Make homemade popsicles!
21. Download one of these apps to make your money management efficient and organized
22. Take a walk to an unexpected neighborhood, bring $20 in cash, and challenge yourself to spend the entire day there without spending over that amount
23. Buy an inexpensive bouquet of flowers from the farmer’s market to brighten up your living space
24. Turn off the AC while you sleep one night, open up the window, and listen to the sounds outside. Whether its the glorious sound of cars whizzing by, or birds and crickets chirping wildly, savor the heat while you can. In a few months, we’ll all be freezing and kicking ourselves for not taking time to bake while we had the chance.