Finding A Job

5 Important Lessons I Learned Working 3+ Jobs Right After College

By | Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Since graduating from college, I’ve been working three to four different jobs at any given time. I’m a writer who works from home, a social media marketer with six different clients, and a part-time babysitter. Also, I act. Nowadays, so many people push the notion that we need to be creating our own jobs, and I’m proud to say, that’s exactly what I did. In fact, I created my own job(s), and then some. My life as a freelancer, social media guru, babysitter, etc. has taught me a lot about myself, and while I think many people discount the work-from-home vibe, in favor of a traditional office set-up, the journey for me has been amazing.

Here are five important things I learned about myself by piling A LOT onto my plate, and taking the work-from-home plunge directly after graduation:

1. Being alone is okay.
At first, I was very unnerved by spending days not talking to anyone, or only interacting with the five-year-old I was babysitting. But as time went on, I became comfortable with the silence. I learned how productive I could be without distractions, and it helped me organize my thoughts. That’s the beauty of having no one else around. I started journaling more, and keeping a detailed planner for my day. It also made my few interactions with people that much more valuable. And I found, eventually, that I didn’t need to be surrounded by people and unnecessary chitchat. If my roommates are around during the day, I almost prefer to keep my headphones in so I can stay in my zone, and keep working.

2. I can work faster than I think.
A lot of my projects are done with a stipend, not hourly. When someone works in an office, and is salaried, they don’t (necessarily) need to be particularly motivated to finish a job quickly. Something that takes 10 minutes might not get done until the end of the day. But when I’m getting paid $10 to write a 500 word article called “How To Safely Give Your Dog A Bath,” I’m going to research and write that thing in under 40 minutes, if possible. When I’m really putting my hourly rate into perspective, I work much more quickly, which gives me more time during my day to pursue other passions.

3. It’s a relief to learn what you’re actually good at.
College was the time, for me, when a lot of things I thought about myself were put to the test. You were always a __________ in high school (dancer, athlete, artist, student government executive, etc). But in college, you had to figure it out all over again. So, I spent a lot of college questioning what I truly was good at. Working these three plus jobs has instilled confidence in my own abilities, and work ethic. It’s not just one company, and one boss, who thinks I’m a talented writer, it’s SIX different bosses who are willing to pay me for this. Challenging myself to constantly find new jobs, and deliver quality material, has helped me to discover my own talents. I finally feel like I have my thing.

4. It’s okay to be picky. In fact, it should be a requirement.
Working as a freelancer can sometimes make me desperate for a paycheck. But as time goes on, I’ve learned that I can put more thought into which jobs I select. The first time I applied to jobs, I sent my resumé to any job with “marketing” in the title. I understand that this sounds like I didn’t have a specific direction, but the fact is, I am positive that I wasn’t the only college graduate pursuing any “marketing” job listing they could find. Now, I pay closer attention to the industry, pay rate, and job details, because I know I can afford to be choosy. It’s okay to know what you want, and pursue it. I’m the kind of person who works that much harder when they actually care about something, which is why I aim to fill my schedule with things I’m passionate about.

5. Not having structure isn’t so bad.
Sometimes, I crave a system; a set desk, weekly meetings, my tupperware lunch stashed in the fridge, a coworker I probably dislike sitting three feet away. That’s the office dream, right? But at the end of the day, I love the freedom of working from my couch, my bed, my dining table, or on my balcony. I’ll workout in the middle of the day, roast a chicken while writing blog posts, and give myself the leisurely coffee-and-NYTimes-Online mornings I so love. I have activity in my day, and babysitting doesn’t just supplement my income, it changes up my routine. Overall, I might feel a bit untethered, but I’m much happier than I would be in a cubicle, even if the office had free snacks.

Charlotte is a freelancer writer/social media manager/actor in Los Angeles. She blogs at

Image via Pexels

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