1. If you heard about the Mast Brothers Chocolate scandal, this article provides an interesting analysis of the steps they took to recover from it.
2. Sometimes, I hear people jokingly express their desire for a “friend app,” instead of a dating app. This fascinating article explains the need for (and difficulty finding) meaningful friendships.
3. Everyone understands the value of working with someone they admire, for you can learn a ton of insightful lessons. However, this article explains the pitfalls of the dynamic, explaining that, “the halo effect that comes from working closely with an industry titan has its limitations.”
4. Oooff — Men Offered Higher Pay Than Women For Same Job 69% Of Time, Study Shows. A must-read.
6. I’ve read this blog for a long time, and she puts together some pretty kick-ass recommended reading lists if you’re looking for summer book recommendations!
7. If you’re having trouble living with someone, be sure to check out these awesomely-helpful roommate rules that can make living with someone a breeze.
8. I’m always looking for quick and easy sunday-night dinner recipes, and this gallery has a ton of delicious-looking ones to scroll through.
9. ICYMI – How one woman’s TFD article kicked off a women-bashing hate page.
10. I loved this New York Times article on super easy, short, office-ready workouts that you can do at your desk. The effects of prolonged sitting are really jarring, and this was a great resource to help combat those long-term side effects.