1. Interviewing for a job soon? Check out these seven steps, which you can use to prepare yourself mentally for the most excruciating part of the job search.
2. Growing up, I always adored the look of Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment (but let’s be honest, I now know the whole idea of her being able to afford that place was bananas). This New York Times article makes Carrie’s fictitious apartment, among others, come to life.
3. Anyone else here a part of the LaCroix cult?? Be sure to check this article out — Now You Can Design Any LaCroix Flavor You Want, Thanks To The Internet.
4. No joke, as soon as the weather chills down below 70 degrees, I’m stopping everything I’m doing and going home to whip up this roasted corn shower soup.
5. If you’re closely watching the lead up to the 2016 presidential election, and Hillary’s (former) huge lead over Trump, new polls suggest it might be time to panic.
6. If you’re looking for something new to listen to, might I suggest Design Matters. It’s actually been around for over a decade, and host Debbie Millman interview designers, writers, entrepreneurs, among others to talk about creative culture through “wide-ranging conversations.” Highly recommend!
7. “Positive thinking can make us feel better in the short term, but over the long term it saps our motivation, preventing us from achieving our wishes and goals, and leaving us feeling frustrated, stymied and stuck,” from the must-read article Don’t Think Too Positive.
8. I feel like I’m ALWAYS grabbing my phone to mindlessly scroll whenever I’m waiting in line, and this article offers up some useful and productive alternatives.
9. I found Kristen Bell’s short skit on “Pinksourcing” to be pretty humorous.
10. Yesterday, Joe and I spent nearly an hour in Michaels laying out different combinations of frames for our gallery wall (leaving me feeling super confused and stressed). I didn’t realize how much work went into making what feels like an effortlessly beautiful decor element. However, I found this article to be enormously helpful.