Smart Girl Chic: 6 Affordable Spring Sneakers For Every Occasion
Spring has sprung! The weather is getting warmer, there are iced lattes that need sipping and we’ll be spending much more time outside (yay!). This is usually the time of year when the shopping bug bites hardest. I was casually looking for some spring sneakers a few weeks back (a purchase I still haven’t made) and was shocked to see how expensive a lot of the options I gravitated toward were. The slip on sneakers above are stunning but cost $395.00, which is way over any amount of money I would ever spend.
I did my research and came up with 6 Smart Girl Chic spring sneaker options that will make your feet look #awesome and keep enough money in your bank account to save this month.
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6. Bold, more formal looking slip ons
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The sneakers listed above are all under $100 and cute as hell, so there is no need to go out and drop a ton of cash because you feel like it’s required to look good.